Miscellaneous notes

BAM files

Modification of headers

When a a tool must modify a bam file, it seems to be agreed that the header must contain some information about the process that modified the file. This information is stored as a @PG record. The following is an example:

@PG   ID:4    PN:BLASR        VN:5.3.3        CL:blasr m54099_200714_225457.subreads.bam eco000913_3.fasta --bam --out blasr.m54099_200714_225457.subreads.bam

The meaning of the fields is described in BAM format and the references therein.

With pysam it seems that an easy way to do it would be:

new_program = {
    "ID": "PacBioDataProcessing",
    "PN": "sm-analysis",
    "VN": "1.0.0",
    "CL": "sm-analysis my.bam my.fasta"
f = pysam.AlignmentFile(filename, "rb", check_sq=False)
header = f.header.as_dict()
programs = [new_program] + header["PG"]
header["PG"] = programs
# now we can write the header...

Easy installation

In this section you can find some comments on different approaches to create standalone executables. The aim is to make the installation process easier for end users.

I have explored two possibilities:

  1. zipapp

  2. PyInstaller

None of them has convinced me at this point: either I do not have a clear understanding of the problem or of the solutions provided by them. Or maybe the answer is somewhere else. For example, as of today PacBio Data Processing depends implicitly on HTSlib and that makes things complicated in this regard since we cannot force the user to have that library in his/her system. Despite the efforts in making easier the installation process of PacBio Data Processing, at the end everything depends on whether the user has HTSlib installed or not.

On the other hand, the two solutions listed above are application centric which means AFAIK that they allow us to be in a situation where we have a single huge file that provides only a fraction of PacBio Data Processing.

Finally, wheels provide an easy enough way of installing PacBio Data Processing that, it is true, it suffers from the same dependency problem mentioned above, but has a zero-cost to implement.


The procedure to create a self-contained app for sm-analysis-gui would be:

pip install PacbioDataProcessing[gui] --target sm-gui-app/
python -m zipapp sm-gui-app -m "pacbio_data_processing.sm_analysis_gui:main_gui" -o sm-analysis-gui -p "/usr/bin/env python3.9"

The result would be a standalone executable for sm-analysis-gui.




Before embarking in easier methods to install PacBio Data Processing, fix the hard dependency problem first and probably other issues too.