Development notes

Getting ready

This section will help you with the steps needed to start working on PacBio Data Processing.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. CD into in:

    cd pacbio-data-processing
  3. (optional) Create a virtualenv/venv and activate it. See instructions in Installation.

  4. Install flit:

    pip install flit
  5. Install PacBio Data Processing with all the optional dependencies:

    flit install --symlink --deps=develop

With this, you should be ready to start coding but… please, keep reading!


The development of PacBio Data Processing follows the double loop TDD approach. See double loop TDD.

Writing code

double loop TDD is a generalization of plain TDD. A second TDD loop is added to the procedure. This sencond loop is behaviour driven, meaning that the functionality is guiding us in the development process.

In brief, the procedure to develop code with this technique is as follows:

  1. Write a functional test case (aka acceptance test) for the functionality you want to implement. You do this from the point of view of the user. After this step you will have a failing FT for that feature.

  2. Make your FT pass by implementing the needed features in your code following a normal TDD approach. Your point of view is now different from point 1: you look at the problem as a developer. Do not implement more features in your code than your FT requires to pass. In this phase we are just playing the usual TDD game with the goal of making the FT for the current feature pass.

Running the tests

  • For the functional tests

    $ pytest tests/functional
  • Unit tests (with coverage)

    $ pytest --cov=pacbio_data_processing tests/unit pacbio_data_processing

Writing tests

The FTs rely on pytest (with fixtures; without stdlib’s unittest)

The UTs use unittest from the standard library.


In a first approximation, the GUI tests were a bit smoky. The tests consisted in:

  1. (FTs) Ensure that if sm-analysis-gui is launched, a process remains there for some time (as one would expect after launching a gui program).

  2. (UTs) Mocky tests to check that Gooey has been employed.

One improvemnet would be using something like PyAutoGUI.

Development workflow

In the development of PacBio Data Processing we use these techniques:

git flow

We partially use this methodology. The releases are explained in HOW to release a version. See, eg. GitFlow

Conventional commits

See Conventional commits.

Double Loop TDD

See Testing.

GitLab pipelines

Pipelines are a helpful tool to ensure that the code is always working (CI/CD). One important task of our pipelines is to run all the tests. Since the tests define the behaviour of PacBio Data Processing and since particularly the functional tests take a while to complete, it is very convenient to trigger the execution of the tests whenever we push to the gitlab repository.

Now, PacBio Data Processing depends on Gooey that, in turn depends on wxPython. Since there are no official wxPython Wheels for Linux (see wxPython Downloads), the installation of PacBio Data Processing implies, in general, the compilation of wxPython which is too expensive for the resources provided by GitLab and leads to timeouts:

ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 1h0m0s seconds

The provisional solution to be able to run the tests within the GitLab pipelines is the following:

  1. Create our own Wheels using the same docker image that is used by the pipelines. In the case of the python:3.9 image, it is Debian 11. Run the container:

    docker run -ti --rm python:3.9 /bin/bash

    And now, inside the container, run all the steps in the pipeline before the installation of PacBio Data Processing:

    apt-get update -qq -y
    apt-get install -qq -y build-essential gcc make apt-utils
    apt-get install -y software-properties-common xvfb libgtk2.0-0 libnotify4 freeglut3 libsdl1.2debian pkg-config
    add-apt-repository -y -r ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    apt-get update -qq -y
    apt-get install -qq -y libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev liblzma-dev libgtk-3-dev dpkg-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libsdl1.2-dev libnotify-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libghc-gtk3-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libgtk-3-0 libwebkit2gtk-4.0 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
    pip install pip --upgrade
    pip install flit

    Now, clone the repo:

    git clone

    cd into the created directory:

    cd pacbio-data-processing

    And finally, install the project (it can take a while!):

    FLIT_ROOT_INSTALL=1 flit install --deps=all

    This last step will trigger the creation of a Wheel file for wxPython.

  2. Find the Wheel created in the last step:

    pip cache --format abspath wxPython

    which will return something like:

  3. Copy that file from the host. In another terminal run:

    docker cp 2dbff77471c5:/PATH/TO/WHEEL/wxPython-4.1.1-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl .

    where 2dbff77471c5 is the id of the python:3.9 container used in step 1.

  4. Upload that file to a public URL, that can be passed to pip for the explicit installation of wxPython.

  5. Use that URL in the .gitlab-ci.yml file to install wxPython before installing PacBio Data Processing.