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This project is about detecting modifications of DNA in PacBio sequencing data stored in the BAM format. The PacBio sequencing data is processed at molecule level: each molecule/ZMW/hole number is analyzed individually.

To learn how to start using this software, have a look at the quickstart section.

Or check the usage section, for more details.


  • Detection of individual m6A modifications in each molecule.

  • The single molecule analysis of a BAM file can be performed with a command line interface (CLI) program sm-analysis or using a simple graphical user interface (GUI) program, sm-analysis-gui.

  • The single molecule analysis can be parallelized to speed up the processing of large BAM files.

  • An auxiliary executable, bam-filter, is also provided.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the palao/cookiecutter-genrepo-pypackage project template.