.. _quickstart: ============================ Quickstart for the impatient ============================ If you know how to install python packages from `PyPI`_ and how to use the command line, you can follow the instructions in this section to get |project| up and running. Alternatively, if you need a step-by-step guide to use |project| on a cluster, follow the :ref:`quickstart9steps` guide. Installation ============ To install **PacBio Data Processing**, open an interactive shell and run: .. prompt:: bash pip install PacBioDataProcessing or, alternatively: .. prompt:: bash python -m pip install PacBioDataProcessing And that's it! .. admonition:: On ``sm-analysis-gui`` By default ``pip install PacBioDataProcessing`` does not enable the GUI program ``sm-analysis-gui``. This program is considered an extra feature, since its usage depends on the `wxpython`_ library, whose installation must be done independently. .. note:: More details as well as alternative installation methods are explained in :ref:`installation`. .. warning:: Although the installation of |project| is now complete, there are some *runtime* dependencies, which means that the dependencies *must be there* before *using* |project|. See :ref:`other-dependencies` and the links therein for the list of dependencies and suggestions on how to install them. Using |project| =============== Once |project| and its dependencies have been installed, the ``sm-analysis`` executable can be used to perform a single molecule analysis of ``m6A`` methylations in DNA. For that you need: * a BAM file with the results of the sequencing, and * the reference file: a ``.fa/.fasta`` (the companion ``.fa.fai/.fasta.fai`` file will be generated if missing) and feed the ``sm-analysis`` program with those files. For example, if the bam file's name is ``mysequence.bam`` and the reference file is called ``myreference.fasta``, then the ``sm-analysis`` program will carry out a single molecule analysis of the ``m6A`` methylations found during sequencing with the following command: .. prompt:: bash sm-analysis mysequence.bam myreference.fasta What's next? ============ In the :ref:`sm-analysis` section of the documentation you can find detailed information about the output that you can expect from ``sm-analysis`` and the possible input options available to customize its behaviour. Check the :ref:`usage` section to learn more about how to use |project|. Or have a look at the :ref:`guides` section for more advanced/specific documentation on selected topics. .. _wxpython: https://wxpython.org/ .. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/